Forrester Consulting Study: From Marketplace to Market Share

Forrester Consulting Opportunity Snapshot: The Business Case for Marketplaces
Marketplaces have the potential to positively impact outcomes across the business.
But, launching a marketplace is no small feat, and many decision-makers find it challenging to build the marketplace business case for their executives and stakeholders.
Nautical commissioned Forrester Consulting to survey over 100 decision-makers at distribution companies across North America who’ve launched a marketplace to gain insights on the challenges faced and benefits reaped.
- 59% of respondents’ organizations spent at least $3M to launch their marketplaces, and for nearly two-thirds of respondents’ organizations it took over 6 months
- Businesses that developed their marketplaces in-house were 43% more likely to spend $6 million or more on the build compared to those who opted for vendor solutions
- On average, businesses experienced 42% YOY growth after launching a marketplace