Oct 12, 2022

Marketplace Marketing, Management & SEO Tactics [Podcast]

Our Speakers

Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee

Founder & CEO


Nautical Commerce Founder & CEO Ryan Lee joined the SEJ Show to discuss the importance of marketplace marketing, management, and SEO best practices.

SEO is both transactional and relational. Optimizing your marketplace’s content will help get the transactional execution by bringing people in through search. Once a customer is in the marketplace, retaining them is relational. Now more than ever, marketplaces are in the position to create their own search engines, as repeat customers continue to search for related products within the marketplace.

“The most successful marketplaces don’t act like commerce companies. What they are is exceptional customer service organizations,” Ryan said during the podcast. “This is because they deliver such a unique and high-value customer experience.”

Connect with the Nautical marketplace experts to learn how our platform can help you meet your SEO goal: reach out here.