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July 25, 2024

Marketplace Personas Template

To build a successful marketplace, you need to understand who you’re building it for. Of course, you may not have all the answers from the outset, but the first step is hypothesizing. From there, you will start to research these segments to understand if your assumptions are correct. 

This marketplace personas template is a worksheet to help identify your user segments, their motivations, pain points, needs, and expectations. These are important details to have a full picture of who you’re building your marketplace for. 

There are several important things to keep in mind as you build out your ideal customer profiles (ICPs). 

  1. Remember to build personas for both buyers and sellers 
  2. Not all your persona segments will be your priority at the same time. Choose your focus based on lowest friction to adopt, willingness to tolerate bugs, the will to pay for the platform, and advocacy potential
  3. Your personas will likely evolve as you get further into your marketplace journey

Ps. Want more guidance on how to launch a marketplace and use this worksheet? Check out Marketplace Bootcamp

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